Saturday, December 22, 2007

A Very Merry Christmas to You!

If you have looked out your window lately you may have seen snow, lights on string, and some weird decorated trees. In case you didn’t know, this means that it is almost Christmas. Which means all sorts of good things– a break from school, fabulous food, some great presents, and all the happiness and joy that goes along with these things. We think that Christmas is a great thing.

However, along with all these things, is the craziness of the season, the stress of gift buying, the Christmas pageants, the cookies to make, the perfect tree to find… Christmas may be great, but its also full of stress. So this Christmas we want to remind you of the joys and happiness of Christmas. After all, it is basically a birthday party.

I wonder sometimes why no one ever sings Happy Birthday on Christmas. You hear “We Wish You A Merry Christmas” or “Silent Night” but despite the fact that Christmas is supposed to be all about Jesus’ birthday, no one ever sings him happy birthday.

But anyways, I’m digressing. In the hustle and bustle of Christmas, we hope you get a chance to relax and read our newsletter. We have had fantastic submissions from some great readers, so be sure to watch out for their articles. We are still madly in love with our contributors, and really, so should you. Without them their would be no WHY, and really, that would suck. So wherever you are, we want you to say a great big thank you to them (and we don’t care that they can’t hear you)!

Anyways, we hope you have a great Christmas, and a fantastic New Year! Enjoy the newsletter!
- Kathleen (and Charley)

1 comment:

susan booth said...

I dont know about you but i find it very difficult to think and be creative when it comes to all the people i have to buy for. I found this cool site that has unique gifts and it saved me last christmas!