Saturday, December 22, 2007

What’s the Big Idea?

Do you have a big idea for youth ministry in the church? What would you suggest if the national church asked you.
This was the challenge that a dozen youth and I faced this October in Toronto. We were participating in a Youth Think Tank Meeting with Rick Garland and Amy Crawford, the national youth and young adult reps at General Council.
The day was full of animated discussions, careful listening, and creative ideas. Each person had their own ‘big’ idea. For Jamie Wood, the idea that stood out the most was the “invention of a website for the youth in the United Church; a resource to keep youth updated on what’s going on and what it means to be a United Church Youth today!” This way, youth could be connected to other congregations and events. Just think, wouldn’t it be great if you were out of ideas for ‘what to do,’ you log onto the site and there are ideas from other youth across the country to share! It certainly holds promise!
Along with all our dreaming, we also provided our feedback on several major youth proposals that have been submitted to the GC Office. There was a sense that the national youth ministry from GC “should have a broad focus on many youth, not specific youth in specific programs,” explained Charlie Peters.
Aside from all the meeting ‘stuff’, we also had an opportunity to check out life in the big TO, feasting in Chinatown and strolling down trendy Queen Street!
So I pose a challenge, if YOU have any big ideas please send them to W.H.Y. and we’ll be sure to publish them in our next issue!! (There’s no judges, but we’ll be sure to feature them in big, bright letters for all to see!!!)
- by Charley Switzer

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