Monday, December 22, 2008

End Notes


I wanted to offer my congratulations on the Observer Article. Very well deserved. I think the church needs to hear about all
you've done with WHY, and what it means to those of us who read it. Thank you, both of you, for all you do. - Charlie Peters

Great job, WHY team! It was great to see you featured on the front page of the Observer, too. I really enjoyed Cory Bentley’s
article (but I’m a bit biased… I’m his aunt). :) -Jen

Just read your WHY newsletter for the first time. Some excellent stuff there. I will continue reading, hoping for ideas we can
use here in Northern Ontario. Keep up the good work, and all the best in your studies. -Bob Weight

Kathleen and Charley, you both are wonderful and lovely, and I wish I could give you both giant hugs. The W.H.Y in my inbox
every season is one of the only reasons I check it. I will definitely submit something sometime soon. -Emma Prestwich

Congratulations on your second anniversary!!! I am particularly grateful for this issue for its breadth and depth: the articles
are deeply personal, inspiringly honest, and incredibly humorous. I enjoyed it immensely! Thank you for providing this
wonderful forum for youth and young adults in our church to connect and reflect with one another: YOU ROCK!!!! -Shawna


Well, that’s all folks. You have reached the end. Or, soon will. If this paragraph would just end…
but it doesn’t. We’d like to send out a great big thank-you-amungo to our guest writers– Nico
Anderson, Allan Buckingham, and Jeff Poynter, as well as to our fabulous photographers, Carmen
Lansdowne, Bruce Edwards and Gord Spence ( We
couldn’t do this without you guys.

As for everyone else, now that school is done, and you have finished reading this fabulous news-
letter, perhaps you might have some time to write an article for our next issue? We would defi-
nitely recommend it. Also, maybe you get a new camera for Christmas, and have taken some
wonderful photographs— why not take a few extra seconds to send them to us, or even a link to
you Facebook (where we know you’re probably already putting your photo’s) and let us steal
them off of there! Once you’re done, send them to us at

Well, that’s all folks. For real this time! Have a merry merry Christmas!!!

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